The Best Endless Cozy Games
Chelsey A Chelsey A

The Best Endless Cozy Games

Sometimes you’re in need of a mindlessly cozy game with an endless gameplay loop. These games all give you the freedom to decide when the game ends, or if it never does!

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A Second Chance at Coffee Talk (Review)
Chelsey A Chelsey A

A Second Chance at Coffee Talk (Review)

The Coffee Talk game is a pillar in the cozy gaming community. If you're into visual novels, you've likely heard of it. But is it worth checking out? Or does the coffee pot run dry?

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So…What Exactly is a Cozy Game?
Thoughts Chelsey A Thoughts Chelsey A

So…What Exactly is a Cozy Game?

If someone asks you for a cozy game recommendation, what's the first game that comes to mind? Would it be weird to recommend No Man's Sky or Baldur's Gate 3? Let's break down the genre and look at what actually makes a game cozy.

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An Introduction to Cozy in Pixels
Thoughts Chelsey A Thoughts Chelsey A

An Introduction to Cozy in Pixels

Welcome to Cozy in Pixels! This little corner of the internet was created with the goal of babbling about all things cozy gaming. As a previously lapsed gamer, this blog will cover both new releases and old games that I’ve recently been playing.

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